We had a purrrrfect visitor - Twizzle Tops Day Nurseries Twizzle Tops Day Nurseries
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We had a purrrrfect visitor
Basildon Twizzle Tops Nursery

Hairless Cat at Basildon

Learning about Egyptians

Here at Twizzle Tops Day Nursery we want to give our children every opportunity to experience the real world around them. This encourages the children to become inquisitive, ask questions and also leads onto many other fun and engaging activities. 

One of the children in preschool had got a new pet, she was a hairless cat called Nala. We was all given the chance to meet her, stroke her and ask lots of questions.

Some of these questions from our preschool children was very funny, for example “Does she get cold” or “Wow, she’s missing her fur”.

To keep the children engaged and to continue the learning, we carried out lots of activities around this amazing feline, which lead us to discuss the Egyptians. Fun fact, the Egyptians believed that cats were mythical creatures and were capable of bringing good luck.

We got to re-create the pyramids, make cat masks and learn all about Egypt. Some of the nursery practionors had even been to Egypt for a holiday and told us all about this amazing country. 

To end this great week of discovery, we all make an Egyptian Sphinx and pyramids out of clay, who looked just like Nala, the cat we had all met earlier that week.

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