Unexpected snow storm hits Wembley! - Twizzle Tops Day Nurseries Twizzle Tops Day Nurseries
FREE Funded places for 9 months, 2, 3 & 4 year olds
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Unexpected snow storm hits Wembley!
Wembley Twizzle Tops Nursery

Learning about Artic Animals

Learning all about Snow

The children at Twizzle Tops Wembley were peacefully exploring, learning and playing when suddenly it started to snow! at first it was teeny tiny little snowflakes but as the time passed it turned into a blitz. There was snow on the tables!, there was snow on the tuff trays!, there was snow everywhere we looked!

And soon enough the Arctic animals came to life and started ice-skating. This was when the children were reminded of the importance of winter clothing by their loving and caring teachers, and so we all wrapped up very warm and joined in the icy fun.

Polar Animals

The little ones watched the arctic animals break free from the icy moulds and caves. We created a land full of snow to make them feel at home and they showed us how they keep warm with their thick fur.

Winter Clothing

When it got really cold we learned to keep warm by putting on our coats and jackets just like the thick fur on the polar animals. The children were given festive materials to decorate hat and glove crafts.

We learned

New words like icy, snow storm, freezing, fog, soaked, warm, camp fire etc. We also learned that when water gets really really cold it freezes and turns into ice and when it melts it turns into water again! 

We learned names of polar animals such as ‘Caribou’, ‘Narwhal’, ‘Arctic hare’, ‘Arctic fox’. 

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