Stevenage Children's Nursery - Twizzle Tops Day Nurseries Twizzle Tops Day Nurseries
FREE Funded places for 9 months, 2, 3 & 4 year olds
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Baby Room

During the first year of a Childs life their physical development is very rapid and they begin to gain control of their muscles.

By providing the children with a home from home environment such as rest, eating, sleeping and activities this allows the children to develop and explore using their senses and physical skills in a loving and caring environment.

Pretend play encourages speech, social and listening skills. Messy play encourages sensory exploration using a variety of different materials. The Treasure basket encourages early object exploration of different textures, colours, patterns, shape, size and weight. Books are also available for the children to explore. All this is provided in a safe, secure and caring environment by our experienced and qualified Early Years Practitioner’s who develop close relationships with each of their key children and their parents to ensure the babies needs are met at all times.

Pre-Toddler Room

As children become more mobile new opportunities for exploration arise.

A safe and interesting environment with age appropriate resources helps children develop curiosity, co-ordination and physical abilities. This is the time to encourage children to learn the beginnings of self-control and how to relate to others. Children are encouraged to develop their social skills by people who they have a positive attachment to.

Building their communication skills, the children now begin to develop a sense of self and are more able to express their needs and feelings. Interaction with our caring and experienced Early Years Practitioners develops and expands the children’s vocabulary. The room provides a safe environment where the children can develop their large movements and encourage fine motor skills. They can explore Role-play to support speech, social and listening skills by the use of dolls, teddies and simple everyday objects.

Toddler Room

In the Toddler room the children’s fine motor skills continue to develop and they begin to enjoy making marks using a variety of materials.

They enjoy listening to stories and looking at picture books which promotes important steps in literacy. Self-care and independence soon emerge with the support of our experienced Early Years Practitioners who encourage the children in areas such as eating, dressing and toileting.

By now their physical development means they are usually able to walk, climb and run. Joining in active play with other children. At Twizzle Tops we promote this with our physical programme ‘Twizzle Time’, which promotes physical activity to promote exercise, healthy eating, body awareness and using equipment safely as it is also an important time for learning about dangers and safe limits.

The Role-play area becomes more varied in the Toddler room as they have access to more resources to develop their understanding of the world around them and their everyday experiences. They become more adventurous in messy play where the practitioners use language to describe different textures to enhance language. More books are available to promote their love of books and storytelling which also develops their language especially when sharing with their key person.


An increased interest in joint play such as make believe, construction and games helps our pre-schoolers to learn important social skills such as sharing and cooperation.

Our pre-schoolers also learn about helping adults in everyday activities and finding a balance between independence and boundaries. Pre-school children still need the comfort and security of their key person.

Close, warm relationships with carers form the basis for much learning, such as encouraging the children to make healthy choices. Children are now becoming more aware of their place in a community.

Literacy and numeracy develops more rapidly with the support of our Early Years Practitioners and a wide range of interesting materials for activities. Children’s language has become more complex as many begin to use longer sentences. Conversations with adults become a more important source of information, guidance and reassurance.

Claire Image not representive of parent

I really can’t speak highly enough of the amazing staff that work there

Since starting the Nursery in September, my daughter has thrived. She loves going to nursery and has clearly built strong relationships with the wonderful staff there. If ever I have any questions, or queries, they are answered immediately, or the staff get back to me as soon as possible with the information that I need, which shows their dedication.

Every day, I am told what my daughter has been doing/learning, and I am more than happy to leave her in the nursery’s more than capable hands, whilst I go to work. I really can’t speak highly enough of the amazing staff that work there.

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