March Fun at Cambridge - Twizzle Tops Day Nurseries Twizzle Tops Day Nurseries
FREE Funded places for 9 months, 2, 3 & 4 year olds
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March Fun at Cambridge
Cambridge Twizzle Tops Nursery

We had a very successful open day to round off March, it was lovely to see so many families looking around our fantastic nursery seeing what great facilities we have on offer.

St Patricks day grab and go breakfast was popular with the parents and children, where they got to sample traditional Irish potato cakes and sourdough bread.

Through the children’s interests we have set out a construction role play area in the pre school which has extended the children’s learning in all areas with lots of new early maths vocabulary being developed whilst counting bricks, using tape measures and rulers recognising numbers. The children even learnt what the word “predict” meant. The children have also been creative and drawn their own designs before making them with a variety of different construction bricks or junk modelling.

The babies and toddlers enjoyed exploring the paint whilst body painting, rather than a traditional paintbrush the children were able to dip their hands, feet and their bodies into the paint. Messy and sensory play is all about exploring with no or wrong results which means that any child can participate, whatever their ability and still benefit from it

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