Month of February was filled with lots of fulfilled activities here at Twizzle Tops Wembley! One of the biggest highlights was our Pancake Day celebrations. We celebrated the day with some beautiful set ups. The children partook in a variety of wonderful activities learning all about the Pancake Day. They mixed pancake batter in a lovely tuff tray, joined their friends in sharing and making some amazing pancake batter, before handing them over to their teachers to make some scrumptious pancakes! The children were delighted decorate the pancakes they made and taste them all at the same time. The activity gave children the opportunity measure ingredients, use their fine motor skills to mix them, and put on their thinking hats on to ensure they complete the task with success! After our little chefs finished their job, we gave them a very big high-five!
Puddle Jump
Our preschool children put on their waterproof clothing and wellies and had loads of fun jumping in muddy puddles causing the biggest splashes they could make! We’ve never seen such big smiles after getting so messy! We did all this for a very worthy cause, to raise money for our charity, ‘magic makers’.