It’s all about experiments and minibeasts this month
What a great time we are having being scientists creating an erupting volcano using playdough vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to create the volcano and erupting lava. Lots of new words have been learnt “it’s making a whizzing noise”, “I can hear the lava erupting”.
Using sweet skittles and milk the children made a rainbow effect in the milk developing awareness of colour and colour mixing. The babies had fun digging in the damp sand hunting for minibeasts. All of the children have been developing their emerging creative skills with toilet roll printing caterpillars, symmetry painting butterflies, collaging and drawing bumblebees, and using their fine motor skills to make a spider’s web using paper plates and wool.
During gardening week the children planted sunflower seeds they are now ready to take home and plant in the garden, I wonder whose will grow the tallest?